When we going to leave the place, the rain is pouring like crazy la. Then we try walking to a bustop that eventually, took us like more than an hour as what i can say is that everywhere is flooding with water. SUAY! The road junction, the bustop, the carparks & even some places in marichite! Causing us to be all wet and i mean really all WET! ]: We even took off our shoes and fold up our jeans to walk in water. WTH! Finally, we got onto the bus and everyone in the bus is like STARING at us. -.-
Some pictures that we took on the way of finding the bustop that is not flooded:
Ck is getting high in the rain! =\AHH! Marichite FLOODED!
Actually i'm working today de. But the person just called me and said that there are important event today. As i'm still unexperienced, i will not work today. LOL! nvm. [: I'm too tired to work too. Going lun house later to accompany him with ck! [: chill dude.
Something that i learned and wanna share with you guys:
Try to look at things in different angles. When you make a small change or do something just for yourself, you may cause other consequences to others. Like causing them to be despress, happy or even death. Sometimes, you may just affect others that you don't even know it too. So, the message i trying to pass across is that think before you do something no matter what. [:
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